Showing posts with label About. Show all posts
Showing posts with label About. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Nisargadatta Maharaj - The happiness and misery in his life

  Photo 184 Self-realization had made Sri Maharaj cool towards the ups and downs, the happiness and misery in his life. The loss of a dear daughter, devoted wife and a revered mother during the years 1942 to 1948 and the severe loss in his business did not ruffle him. On the contrary, these shocks...

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Present view of Vanmali building, Maharaj's residence

Photo 179 God is only an idea in your mind. The fact is you. The only thing you know for sure is: 'here and now I am'. Remove, the 'here and now' the 'I am' remains, unassailable. The word exists in memory, memory comes into consciousness; consciousness exists in awareness and awareness is the reflection...

Nisargadatta Maharaj lived here

Vanmali Bhavan, 10th Lane, Khetwadi, Mumbai, India. This was where Maharaj lived. The room where the discourses were given was a loft above the family living area. A small room around 10'x20'. One must climb a narrow and steep staircase to get to it. Today some of his relatives live here. The...

Friday, 5 December 2014

Signature of Nisargadatta Maharaj in Marathi

Photo 147 Do nothing, absolutely nothing! Just be, be the knowledge ‘I am’ only and abide there. To imbibe this, meditate on beingness only. Catch hold of the knowledge ‘I am’ in meditation. In this process, the realization occurs that ‘I’ the Absolute am not the ‘guna’ ‘I am’; therefore in meditation...

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Residence of Nisargadatta Maharaj at Vanmali building in early 70's

Photo 73 There is no explanation for how this seed, this consciousness or knowledge ‘I am’ has arisen. But once it is in existence, it cannot stand still – that is, consciousness is tantamount to ‘movement’. And all movement takes place through the ‘gunas’, which are inherent in the knowledge ‘I...

Friday, 28 November 2014

The sign board at the entrance to the street of Maharajs house

Photo 50 The sign board at the entrance to the street of Maharaj's ho...

The Vanmali Bhavan building

Photo 49The Vanmali Bhavan building. On the top-right, the window of the satsang room and below the door to the Maharaj's residen...

Monday, 24 November 2014

A Great Maharashtrian Gnani

Though a Maharashtrian myself it was a matter of great shame for me that I had not known of this great Maharashtrian Gnani [a man of wisdom], Nisargadatta Maharaj till March 1992. I was waiting for Bhagawan's morning darshan as usual at Brindavan ashram. A friend of mine sitting next to me was pouring...


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About Nisargadatta Maharaj

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Navnath Sampradaya. Sri Nisargadatta, with his direct and minimalistic explanation of non-dualism, is considered the most famous teacher of Advaita since Ramana Maharshi. In 1973, the publication of his most famous and widely-translated book, "I AM THAT", an English translation of his talks in Marathi by Maurice Frydman, brought him worldwide recognition and followers.

According to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, the purpose of spirituality is simply to know who you are. His discussions are not for academic scholars. He is a rebellious spirit, abrupt in his style of discussion, provocative, and immensely profound, cutting to the core and wasting little effort on inessentials. He talked about the 'direct way' of knowing the Final Reality, in which one becomes aware of one's original nature through mental discrimination, breaking the mind's false identification with the ego, knowing that "You are already That".

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