Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Traditional Spirituality vs. Direct Truth
Sunday, 31 March 2024
The child of a barren woman
Thursday, 28 March 2024
• To help you, God must know your existence. But you and your world are, dream states. None knows them, and none can help you.
• Your scriptures and your gods have no meaning here.
• Is it not the simple sense of being, the sense of existing, the sense of presence, that has not changed about yourself?
• If you were not conscious, would your body exist for you? Would there be any world for you?
• Would there then be any question of God or the Creator?
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
I am That
Friday, 15 March 2024
Let us come back to your problems of re-birth.
• And consciousness is not an object, not a 'thing' at all; therefore, consciousness, as something non-objective, cannot be 'born', cannot 'die' and certainly cannot be 're-born'.
• Who is born? And who dies? And who is to be re-born? How does the concept of Karma, causality and re-birth arise at all?
• Instead of a phenomenon being accepted as a manifestation of the unmanifest, a mistaken identification with a pseudoentity takes place and a phantom with a supposed autonomous existence gets created.
• This phantom is supposed to have choice of decision and action. It is this phantom that is supposed to be born, to live, to suffer and to die.
• And in this process, it is this phantom who becomes liable to the process of causality known as Karma, accepts the supposed 'bondage' and 're-birth', and seeks an imagined 'liberation'.
• Over the natural process of the manifestation of phenomena, gets superimposed a phantom-self with a supposed autonomous, independent existence, and on this/phantom-self is loaded the concept of the resultant effects of the imagined volitional actions — i.e. Karma, bondage and re-birth!
• Do you understand now why I debunk the theory of re-birth?
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Thursday, 14 March 2024
The entity which is supposed to be re-born does not exist
- The entity that you believe to exist and roam about after death is a religious superstition.
- The entity that you believe that will enter into another body after your death is a religious superstition.
- The entity that you believe that will progress gradually, on doing some gimmicks called yoga, or repeating some meaningless words called mantra is a religious superstition.
"The entity which is supposed to be re-born does not exist, except as a mere concept! How can a concept be re-born?"
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Thursday, 22 February 2024
You may know all the right words, quote the scriptures
You may know all the right words, quote the scriptures, be brilliant in your discussions and yet remain a bag of bones. Or you may be inconspicuous and humble, an insignificant person altogether, yet glowing with loving kindness and deep wisdom.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
A journey into the unknown
Once you realize that the person is merely a shadow of the reality, but not reality itself, you cease to fret or worry. You agree to be guided from within and life becomes a journey into the unknown.
Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Wednesday, 21 February 2024
The plurality that we perceive is only an appearance
Erwin Schrödinger
Austrian physicist. One of the founders of quantum theory.
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Sunday, 25 June 2023
Individual soul is a religious superstition
Planarian worms cut into pieces, grow into separate organisms. If each organism has a soul, where from did these extra souls come?
Individual soul, jiva, atman is a religious superstition. That it can carry karma is a myth. That it will take rebirth is a myth. That it will go to heaven and hell is a myth. Individual soul is an imagination out of misidentification with the body. The very purpose of realization is to remove this false idea. Then, how can believing in fairy tales built on the misidentification, enlighten you?
Thursday, 15 June 2023
There is no such thing as matter in itself - Max Planck
Friday, 9 June 2023
The Self - Translation from original Marathi book Aapan
Translation from original Marathi book "Aapan".
Four rare Discourses of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj on Dasbosh by Samartha Ramdas Swami
English Translation by : Mohan Gaitonde
Original Marathi compiled by : Sachin Kshirsagar
ISBN : 93-93254-11-7
Tuesday, 6 June 2023
There are no other means to liberation, all means delay.
When the fallacy of concepts and beliefs are exposed, the common argument raised is "Till I am ready, let me have such concepts", or "Till I am mature, such concepts are true for me". False is false whether you realise it or not. No dumb practice will make you free. Unless you come face to face with sensitive areas that disturbs you the most and clear it out, no change is going to happen.
Friday, 19 May 2023
Telugu translation of I am That - by Nisargadatta Maharaj
Total pages: 464 pages
Translator : Rajasekhar Piduri
Monday, 15 May 2023
Anugrah - Marathi book - Dialogues & Discourses
Book Edited & Compiled By : Sachin Kshirsagar & Dr.Uday Puranik
Book Pages : 132 Nos.
ISBN : 978-93-92823-19-0
Edition : 1st Edition
Publisher : Chetak Books , Pune
Contains : Dialogues & Discourses
Language : Marathi